Paws Doggy Day Care Leigh Ltd Terms & Conditions
By using our services you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
•All dogs must be registered with PAWS doggy day care Leigh to attend.
•if your dogs does not attend day care within a 6 month period there space will be offered to Simone else, if you still require your dog to attend day care after the 6 month period they may need to be re assessed on the next available assessment date.
• Not all dogs are suitable for day care, this can be for a variety of reasons, nervous dogs or dogs that haven’t been socialised with people or dogs can find the environment stressful, this can develop as dogs age and a dog that came as a
Puppy may not be suitable as they get older.
•By submitting these forms you are consenting for your dog to be in a group with other dogs of mixed sex, breed, age and size.
•Dogs are accepted on the basis of the information provided on the registration form and there trial assessment, if a pet exhibiting behaviour not predicable from the information disclosed on the registration form or observed on the dogs trial period the dog will be banned from PAWS doggy day care for the safety of the other dogs.
•You must inform us if you dog exhibits aggression to other dogs or people when out of day care.
•Dogs are grouped depending on breed, age and play style, all our groups are mixed ages to ensure young dogs learn appropriate play and dog social skills from older mature dogs, this is not "socialisation" in the context of pet dogs, dog socialisation in the real word is complex and meeting other dogs is tiny percentage of this.
• As of 6th April 2016 all dogs are required by law to be microchipped.
Hormones and sexual maturity
•We do not accept un-neutered male dogs (over the age of 12 months un-less advised otherwise by your vet for health or behaviour reasons, we will need a letter from your vet for our records, younger male dogs that develop inappropriate hormonal behaviour before they are 12 months old may also be suspended from day care, we accept chemical and implant neutering in males).
-males that are persistent humpers will be suspended or banned from day care as this causes upset in the groups to the other dogs, we work with the owners in cases like this but if the owner is not prepared to take steps to address the hormonal behaviour the dog will be automatically banned from day care.
-bitches who come into season will not be able to attend for the duration of their season, usually 3 to 4 weeks, we will not take responsibility for bitches who are sent into day care while still in season.
Dogs accepted into day care
•Those dogs as listed in the Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997 e.g. the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro or wolf cross breeds cannot be accepted. (If the current policy on adding XL bully breeds to this list is passed we will also be unable to take them in)
•Some breeds do not always fit into the day care environment due to breed specific traits, these behaviours will be monitored on there trial assessment and the duration of there time with us.
•Only dogs considered to be well socialized, who enjoy the company of other dogs, people and are compatible in busy environments are suitable for PAWS doggy day care, Please note that not all dogs are suitable.
•All dogs will be interviewed on a trial basis along with their owners.
Vaccinations and health
•All dogs accepted must have an up-to-date vaccination certificate or titer test (as well as an up to date lepto vaccination), it is advised that your dog is vaccinated against kennel cough although this is not a mandatory vaccination.
•Vaccinations are for your dogs own protection against common viruses, but they are not always 100% effective as virus strains mutate over time.
•We require that all dogs attending day care be on year round flea and worm prevention, either natural or chemical. While it is unlikely that your dog will get fleas while at day care, there is always a possibility anytime your dog is exposed to other animals. If your dog is on flea prevention and is exposed to a dog with fleas you wont have to worry about having a problem at home, flea prevention is for your protection.
•All dogs must be in good physical health to attend PAWS doggy day care.
•If your dog requires medication while at day care we will need written consent from you for our staff to medicate them along with written instructions, all medicines need to be in there original packaging.
• Flea Policy: Here at Paws Doggy Day Care we pride ourselves in our attention to detail and meticulous routines to provide a safe haven for people’s canine family members.
Our day care is cleaned and disinfected every day. Great care is taken each day to ensure the health and well-being of each of our guests, as well as spending a large amount of time handling your dogs and interacting with them to keep them happy and contented whilst in our care. Because of this, we are quick to notice dog’s with signs of fleas.
If a dog comes to us with fleas, they jeopardise the health of others in our care and could cause a long-term problem. Fleas are detrimental to our business, so we politely ask that you adhere to the following guidelines.
-Please ensure your dog is treated regularly to prevent fleas. We expect your dog to have an effective annual flea management program. This does not mean just treating the dog the day before you arrive.
• Ensure you use a veterinary approved / prescribed flea product such as Advantage, Advocate or Stronghold, or one of the long-term approved natural flea preventions. Your vet will advise you of the best treatment available. Non-prescription treatments, flea collars or spot on treatments you can buy at the supermarket are not effective and are not acceptable.
• Some older types of flea treatment are not as effective and in some cases, fleas have become resistant to these products. Efficacy of these products, particularly Frontline, is also dependent upon a strict dosing regime, generally more frequently than the stated recommended levels.
• We will not treat your dog if we discover it has fleas. This is because we will not know when or with which product you last treated your dog, if at all. We do not wish to cause an allergic reaction or overdose.
• We will however treat the environment to ensure no spread of the infestation occurs. This includes an additional and separate cleaning regime from our usual daily clean, spraying of insecticide to the whole of day care and bedding, the corridor, and the adjoining rooms. Decontamination of day care once your dog has left the premises which renders the day care out of use until completely sprayed with insecticide and lost income to us, followed by a double disinfection to remove any final evidence of contamination. Finally, we must dispose of any of our bedding that may have been used and purchase new replacements.
• The time and cost to our business is considerable so that we remain a safe haven from fleas. Therefore, a charge of £40.00 will be made to cover the cost of this. This will be added to your final bill.
• We will collect evidence for you to be able to see the level of infestation your dog has. This usually consists of flea dirt, eggs and larvae, and advise you on the next course of action to eradicate the problem.
Suspension and banning
-if a dog displays aggression or is inappropriately mouthing or biting staff they will be automatically banned from day care for the safety of the team, we will recommend local trainers to help if needed.
• We reserves the right to refuse, or terminate the contract of any dog or owner who displays aggressive, destructive or unreasonable behaviour.
•Any dog that exhibits inappropriate behaviour while in day care will be referred to one of our approved trainers and behaviourists. If a behavioural problem is not actively addressed your contract with PAWS will be terminated.
-Dogs exhibiting inappropriate behaviours will receive a behaviour report, this will need signing by the owner or guardian and a copy will be given to you and one kept on file. We operate a 3 strike policy for minor behaviours that cause disruption to the groups, these are classed as informal behaviour reports, if your dog receives 2 informal behaviour reports for the same behaviour the 3rd behaviour report will become a formal behaviour report. If your dog receives 3 formal behaviour reports for any behaviour they will be automatically banned from day care.
Legal and day care requirements
• Dogs must have a collar with a legal tag on to attend PAWS Doggy day care, Legal tags must contain your surname, the first line of your address and post code anything else is optional.
• Collars must be standard flat collars, we do not accept prong, choke, half check or shock collars.
• Dogs must also enter and leave day care on a standard fixed lead not an extendable one. we are located on a busy industrial estate where HGV vehicles are constantly moving, it is important that all dogs are under control to avoid injury.
Accidents and injury’s
• Dogs at play can occasionally get cuts and scrapes, especially those dogs that like to play rough.
-Dogs that may annoy other dogs due to hormonal or inappropriate behaviour may receive a correction from the other dog, although our team try to avoids situations like this, this is how dogs communicate with each other.
• I understand that a PAWS staff member trained in canine first aid will give all pets involved in any type of incident a cursory examination, however the PAWS’s staff are not trained veterinarians and will not be liable for the location, treatment or diagnosis of any injuries incurred on the Facility’s premises. If your dog(s) is/are involved in an incident at PAWS, you will check your dog(s) further or seek treatment for your dog(s) by a licensed veterinarian at your discretion and cost
• In the unlikely event of your dog being involved in an accident or in an emergency, we will take your dog to our local vets (my pets vets) if we cannot contact you.
•Dogs not familiar with the Facility may experience separation anxiety when apart from their human companions.
Dogs not regularly exposed to the level of activity at the Facility may feel the discomfort of sore muscles, sore joints and fatigue, and dogs not regularly exposed to outside activity or play on hard surfaces may experience sore paws, blisters, bruises or abrasions on the feet (Raw Paw).
•Dogs not regularly socialized do not necessarily know how to behave politely with other dogs. These dogs are at higher risk of incidents including, but not limited to, bites, fights, fear aggression, object guarding, and behaviour problems and/or acting out.
• All Dogs must have a minimum of third party liability insurance to attend day care
•Dogs at play can get dirty, we try to minimise this as much as possible.
-Dogs with longer hair can get matted from the level of activity at day care, we will always advise owners if we any Matts but we are not able to brush them out of cut them out, we can recommend force free local groomers to do this. -Excessively long toenails may cause injury to your dogs and others in the group, we will advice the owners of we think your dogs nail need to be trimmed.
Feeding and resting your dogs while at day care
•Water is available at all times; however, your dog may still be thirsty after day care. you will be aware of their water intake as excessive amounts may cause an upset stomach or other problems.
-younger dogs and those that require meals while at day care can be fed during lunch time, please not the vast majority of dogs will not require food while in our care.
•Dogs requiring food during the day can be fed there own usual dog food this must be supplied by the owner and consent given for staff members to feed your dog.
•All dogs requiring food are fed away from other dogs and crated.
•Dogs requiring rest during the day especially those under 12months are rested in crates, if your dog is not crate trained a member of staff will slowly introduce the crate to them and a staff member will always be present.
Payment, social media and privacy policy’s
• We do not offer credit terms for day care, therefore payment must be made by cash or card when collecting your dog.
• Photographs, video’s or digital recordings are taken of PAWS, dogs, customers and staff on a regular basis for, among other things, use in marketing by PAWS Doggy Day Care. I acknowledge that all such images (electronic, negatives and positives), together with prints and the copyrights therein, are the property of PAWS Doggy Day Care. I give PAWS Doggy Day Care and persons authorized by PAWS Doggy Day Care my consent, permission and authorization, without compensation to me, to use, reproduce and alter the images, in print or electronic format (including on the internet), either alone or in combination with other images, text and graphics. I waive my right to approve the finished photograph, advertising copy, print material or electronic files that may be used in conjunction with the images.
• This privacy notice sets out how Paws Doggy Day Care Leigh Ltd uses and protects any information that you give us.
Paws Doggy Day Care Leigh Ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy notice.
What we collect:
We may collect the following information:
• Name.
• Contact information including email address, telephone number and address.
• Financial information to process your payments.
• Demographic information such as postcode and preferences.
• Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers.
• To maintain customer service standards and to assist staff training, we may record and monitor incoming calls.
• CCTV is in operation at Paws Doggy Day Care Leigh Ltd
What we do with the information we gather:
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
• Internal record keeping. We may use the information to improve our services and will use it to keep your record up to date.
• We may periodically send promotional calls about special offers, appointment availability or other information which we think you may find interesting, using the email address which you have provided.
• From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail.
• We will not provide your information to any third party without your express permission, with the exception of a vet in the event of an emergency.
• CCTV footage is captured purely for your security and for the prevention and detection of crime. If you’d like to know more, please contact via the details below.
By submitting your personal information and indicating that you would like to receive further information from us, you consent to us using your personal information in the above ways.
How long do we keep information?
If you are a regular customer we will keep your digital information on our secure database and your confidential paperwork in a secure cupboard and regularly check to ensure we hold the most current details for you.
If you have not visited us in 2 years, we will delete all records we hold for you.
If you wish to talk to use about or amend information we hold about you, please contact 01942 603631 or email info@pawsleigh.co.uk
©2023 by Paws Doggy Day Care Leigh Ltd.